Requesting Test Certificates
This article identifies the additional information needed to request test certificates from Huron that can be used to access the IRB Exchange test system. Like the production system, the IRB Exchange test system requires the use of certificates for authentication and authorization. The difference between the two systems is that the IRB Exchange requires a certificate from an official certificate authority (CA) for production, while the IRB Exchange test system allows you to use a certificate that has been created by our internal IRB Exchange certificate authority. This enables you to use the IRB Exchange test system without purchasing additional certificates from a CA.
Action: Complete the columns related to test certificates in the Excel account request spreadsheet that you began filling out during the planning process, based on the information below.
For each test account you are requesting, add the following information to the spreadsheet:
Common Name. The fully qualified domain name of the server that will be used to communicate with the IRB Exchange. If you are hosting multiple stores on a Huron Portal server that will be communicating with the IRB Exchange, include the store name as well. For example:
For a single store on single Huron Portal server:
Common Name =
For multiple stores on single Huron Portal Server:
Common Name = Common Name =
Organizational Unit. The name of your department or division within the organization.
City. The city where your organization is located.
State. The state abbreviation where your organization is located.
Country. The country abbreviation where your organization is located.
Next Steps
When you have all the account and certificate information collected into the spreadsheet, request your IRB Exchange accounts.