Site Continuing Review
Continuing review data for the Site as uploaded by the pSite side.
Name | Type | Description |
type | string |
The value site-continuing-review |
version | string |
The value IRBX.2 . |
Name | Type | Description |
comments | string |
Comments about the site continuing review |
enrolledSinceLastApproval | number |
The number of participants enrolled since last approval |
reportedDate | date |
The date the continuing review was reported for the site |
statements | Array of string |
IDs of selected statements on the site continuing review |
supportingDocuments | Array of Document Reference | Supporting documents related to the site continuing review |
totalEnrollment | number |
The total number of participants enrolled for the site |
Statements Selection Values
The following table shows the selections supported by the IRB Exchange for site continuing review statements.
ID |
NO subjects experienced unexpected harm |
Anticipated adverse events have NOT taken place with greater frequency or severity than expected |
NO subjects withdrew from the study |
NO unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others |
NO complaints about the study |
NO publications in the literature relevant to risks or potential benefits |
NO interim findings |
NO multi-center trial reports |
NO data safety monitoring reports |
NO regulatory actions that could affect safety and risk assessments |
NO other relevant information regarding this study, especially information about risks |
In the opinion of the PI, the risks and potential benefits are unchanged |
All modifications to the protocol have been submitted to the IRB |
All problems that require prompt reporting to the IRB have been submitted |
NO internal or local serious adverse events in Veterans Administration (VA) research |
"type": "site-continuing-review",
"version": "IRBX.2"
"comments": "We had a surge of participants enroll this period."
"enrolledSinceLastApproval": 50,
"statements": [
"supportingDocuments": [
"draftDateModified": "8/23/2017 7:04:02 PM +00:00",
"draftFileName": "Test.txt",
"draftId": "documents/47086805f7dc4966b4a0c8736b7e32c4/draft",
"draftName": "Test.txt",
"draftVersion": "0.01"
"totalEnrollment": 60